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Patient Exercises/Info
The Hip Hinge - bending to reduce back pain.
How a Functional Movement Screen can improve your form.
Carpal tunnel or not carpal tunnel - how do you measure up?
Forearm pain causes and simple management
When an Elbow lean can be a problem
Ever had tingling in your arm and hand? Could flossing the nerves be the answer.
What to do if you injure your MCL and/or LCL
What are the three R's for knee health
ACL - Anterior Cruciate Ligament - What you kneed to know
Pain = stop? Not always. A little tweak can keep you doing what you love.
The ABC's of the ITB
Hip Pain? Cant sleep on your side? What is going on and what can you do about it.
Is the pain in your buttocks getting on your nerves?
Did you make a New year’s Resolution towards being more physically active?
Want to improve your running or squatting?
Do your feet turn out? - Its time for some "direction correction".
Sore feet? Why you need to check your big toe mobility and what to look for.
Glucosamine & Injury Rehabilitation
How to lose a decades worth of muscle mass in 14 days and why you shouldn't do it.
How to get the most from your Hip Flexor stretch