Two easy tips to better your standing posture
This weeks Move Better Monday is actually more about standing still. Standing for long periods is often a cause of a lot of peoples aches...
Gluteus Minimus
This is the smallest of the gluteus muscles and it sits beneath the gluteus medius. It is a fan shaped muscle that is attached to the...
The Hip Stretch
Hip Hip Hooray - its Move Better Monday - and today is about how to stretch the front of the hip. Hip flexors like the Psoas, the Rectus...
Hips........"A jump to the left" can leave you hobbling to the right
Hip joint pathologies are a common complaint that I see in clinic. True hip pain can be quite debilitating. Walking, climbing stairs and...
Stretch those Calf Muscles
It is very important to stretch those calf muscles out and this is a fantastic stretch for all sports. This stretch will also give you...
Roll your feet
This is how we Roll.......our feet. In this video we want to show you a way to stretch, mobilise and strengthen your feet. This great...
Pain in the... Glutes! low back pain and hip pain self help
Your Glutes have a big impact on how your low back, pelvis and hips work. They can also have a big impact on the amount of stiffness,...
Knee pain? are your stiff ankles the cause?
Knee pain is a common complaint - but is it really your knees fault? Could it be your stiff ankles or hips? I recently attended a seminar...