How a Functional Movement Screen can improve your form.
Strength Strength training is one of the core parts of overall fitness training. Pretty much every activity we do has an element of...
When an Elbow lean can be a problem
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is probably the most well know of the nerve compression problems. Pretty awful and quite debilitating pain in the...
What to do when pain in your Humerus is no longer humorous
Ongoing Case Study History Pain started about three months ago in the epicondyle of the humerus. Epicondyle is the rounded part of the...
ACL - Anterior Cruciate Ligament - What you kneed to know
Function Prevents the anterior tibial translation (change in position) and rotation loads both medial and lateral. Where is it? The ACL...
How to fix your Dickie Knee
Runners knee or that Dickie knee [if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t"...
Trouble putting your seatbelt on? Here are 2 exercises that will help.
Infraspinatus This muscle is a triangle shape muscle that sits on top of your shoulder blade and inserts on the top of the arm....
Glutes - Three ways this muscle can help you feel, perform and look better
Your glutes are in fact a group of three muscles - each with a slightly different role - but all of them are important in keeping you...
What is happening to your body. When you are faced with a period of stress your body will release a rush of hormones that elevate your...
The ABC's of the ITB
Iliotibial band syndrome ITBS The iliotibial band ITB is the long ligament that runs from the hip to the knee, it is designed to help...
Muscles that can tighten while sitting - Hip Extensors
Hip extensors are made up of the hamstrings; which are biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus, and gluteus maximus. They work...