Do your shoulder blades stick out? Scapula Winging - what is it and what you can do about it?
Did you know that your scapula only has one bony attachment to the rest of your skeleton - and that is your collar bone. Now if you think...
Glutes - Three ways this muscle can help you feel, perform and look better
Your glutes are in fact a group of three muscles - each with a slightly different role - but all of them are important in keeping you...
Lifestyle snippets
Lifestyle Month Its lifestyle month here at Body and Spine Solutions and our Indian Summer continues! I don’t know about you but I have...
Avoid the cycling hunchback
If you ride a bike and have found yourself concerned with your posture - then read on…. Cycling is a very popular sport - it keeps you...
The ABC's of the ITB
Iliotibial band syndrome ITBS The iliotibial band ITB is the long ligament that runs from the hip to the knee, it is designed to help...
Great stretch for Feet and toes
Here is a great stretch for those runners with sore arches or stiff feet. I find this is a great stretch to help them out. It is a nice...
Road v's treadmill
What is easier on your achilles when running - outside running or the treadmill? If you are a runner - chances are you have experienced...
The Running equation for peak performance training
Most people that know me realise that when it comes to distance running and training, I can talk for hours! From the long run, tempos...
Sore QL or Lats... This could be the stretch for you
Ever looked in the mirror and seen that one shoulder is higher then the other? Sometimes this is a scoliosis - BUT sometimes this is just...
Motor Control: The Essence of How We Move.
You may or may not have heard of the term “Motor Control”. Usually if you have seen a health professional, you may have heard that you...