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What is Myotherapy and why should you see one?

Hi All! This is my first blog as part of Body and Spine Solutions and its been a whirlwind 2 and a half months.

So what’s a myotherapist I hear you ask?

Well the easiest way to explain would be that we are a hands on practitioners who hold either an Advanced Diploma of Remedial Massage (Myotherapy) or the new Bachelors Degree in Myotherapy.

Generally we use a lot of massage technique but we also do Myofascial Dry Needling and Cupping, Sports and Kinesiotaping, and some corrective exercise.

But the big difference between a remedial massage therapist and a myotherapist is the amount of clinical assessment we are taught, along with the more advanced treatment protocols of many painful soft tissue conditions.

So it’s a bit like taking aim at that treatment a bit better in the clinic, with a few homework exercises thrown in (sometimes)!

So what am I doing at the moment?

At the moment I am doing a lot of work with frozen shoulder: a debilitating condition where the shoulder develops a severe pain, and is then unable to move above chest height for an average of 12-18 months. No one knows why it happens or why:

  • it affects people usually around 50

  • more women than men,

  • more often the non dominant arm

  • or why it extremely rarely comes back to that side and attacks the other side.

But these are its trademarks! Good news is that I have researched a technique that has been shown to work really well and can be used to treat other common shoulder conditions.

Anything else?

I am doing some sporting club visits at the moment to introduce them all to myotherapy as this really is the myo’s bread and butter, and one of my passions as a sporting nut! So if you know of a team that could do with some help in the areas of:

  • Sports Taping (both rigid and kinesiotaping),

  • pre event massage and preparation,

  • post event treatment of soft tissue injuries or niggles,

  • and myotherapy generally.

Then feel free to pass on my mobile number which is (0438) 68 7230 or leave a message at my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Central.West.Massage/ and I’d be happy to arrange a visit.

The visits ( around 2 or 3) are NO CHARGE AND NO OBLIGATION and is more about showing sporting teams what I do, how I fit in with other professions such as chiropractic and physiotherapy, and why myos are with every elite sports team in Victoria.

Finally, if you would like to see what I can do, I offer the same Free Pain Assessment as Andrew and Rachel so feel free to make your appointment by ringing Tisha at Body and Spine Solutions on (02) 5310 6259.

Till Next Time!


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