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What to do when pain in your Humerus is no longer humorous

Ongoing Case Study


Pain started about three months ago in the epicondyle of the humerus. Epicondyle is the rounded part of the end of the humerus, it is where tendons attach, when your arm is bent it is on the outside of the elbow.

The pain radiated towards the fingers, often being irritated when hands and forearms where being used, especially while digging with a shovel or using tools.

This patient went on a two week fishing trip and the constant winding of the reel had aggravated the tendons and muscles attached to the elbow (called epicondylitis). The main muscles where the Extensor Carpi and Extensor Digitorum of the hand.

When palpating the region (see picture) there was a very tender band along the epicondyle and the muscles attached were extremely tight. Client pain scale rated 8/10 upon resting and 10/10 when palpated.

Acupuncture and massage was used to help with the pain and reduce the muscle tension.

Dr Tans Mirror system of limb to limb was used, I needled along the Extensor Digitorum longus of the opposite side leg and the Fibularis Longus of the leg, close the head of the Fibula (see picture).

Pain scale went to a 2/10 upon resting and a 3.5/10 on palpating the epicondyle.

Needles were retained for 30 minutes, afterwards the needles were removed and remedial massage and trigger points were applied to the forearm releasing the tension along the muscle lines of the forearm and bicep and tricep area.

The next day the pain was dramatically reduced to a 2/10.

Follow up appoint was set for two days.

Day 2.

Client went to the gym and had a heavy weight session, used a support band across just below elbow.

Pain increase to a 4/10 after gym.

Acupuncture with no remedial therapy was used. The acupuncture points used were along the lateral edge knee of the left knee, near the extensor digitorum longus of the opposite side leg and the fibularis longs. Needles were retained for 30 minutes.

Pain reduced to 2/10.

Day 3. Patient had been working with weights at the gym today with support of a band across the muscles just below the elbow. Pain was only 3/10. Acupuncture to the left lateral leg as per day 1 & 2. Remedial massage to the whole forearm and tricep muscle. After treatment pain was 1/10. and the following morning pain was still at 1/10. Treatments will now be done on a weekly basis until no pain or discomfort is present.

If you or someone you know has or have had a similar type injury remember that a combination of Massage and Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for this. If you need to book an appointment call Ash on 5310 6259 or book online at www.bodyandspinesolutions.com.au



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